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Stay Ahead in Dentistry Explore Advanced Dental Education Programs

The International Institute of Dental Research was started under the leadership of Dr. Arun Chamria and stands as a prominent institution in the field of dental research and education. Driven by a commitment to advancing dental services, IIDR has made significant strides in enhancing the quality of life for patients and dentists alike. The institute’s dedication to continuing education, demonstrated through conferences and webinars benefiting over 5000 students, showcases its commitment to knowledge dissemination and professional development in the dental community.

Their expansion into manufacturing custom dental implants, demonstrates IIDR’s commitment to deliver safe & comfortable solutions. With a team of dedicated experts, the institute is poised to offer innovative approaches to dental implantation. Dr. Arun Chamria’s vision of giving back to the dental community through IIDR’s work is a testament to the institute’s mission of advancing dental healthcare and well-being. Their contributions undoubtedly serve as a valuable resource in the realm of dental services and research.


IIDR provides a wide range of courses and webinars to encourage the development of improved methods for the prevention and treatment of oral and dental diseases.

IIDR promotes research in dental, cosmetic, and oral health. You can now have your own co-working space equipped with advanced technologies, without capital expenses.

IIDR has developed specialised oral hygiene products, patient-specific customised implants and prosthesis, as well as surgical guides.


Dr Saurabh Chalke
Dr Chirag Chamria
Dr Parth Shah





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