A dental post and core is a restorative dental treatment used to rebuild and support a tooth that has been extensively damaged or weakened, typically after root canal therapy or significant tooth decay. Here’s a short description:
Dental Post and Core: A dental post and core is a combination of two components:
- Post: A post is a small rod-like structure, usually made of metal (such as titanium or stainless steel) or tooth-colored materials (such as zirconia or fiber-reinforced composite). It is inserted into the root canal of a tooth that has undergone root canal therapy. The post provides stability and retention for the core restoration and eventual crown.
- Core: The core is a buildup material that surrounds the post and fills the void left by the missing tooth structure. It can be made of various materials, including composite resin, metal alloys, or ceramics. The core restores the shape and structure of the tooth, providing a foundation for the final restoration (crown). Dr Pooja Chaturvedi will take you through concepts of post and core.
Course Features
- Lecture 1
- Quiz 1
- Duration 120 minutes
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 492
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes
- post and core, dental post and core
Target audiences
- all dentists, prosthodontists, endodontists, oral pathologists, general dentistry