Treating the core or pulp therapy involves procedures aimed at saving a tooth with infected or damaged pulp, the soft tissue at the center of the tooth containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. Pulp therapy typically involves removing the diseased or damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and filling them with a biocompatible material. This process can involve either a pulpotomy, which removes only the infected portion of the pulp, or a root canal treatment, which removes the entire pulp. The goal is to alleviate pain, halt the spread of infection, and preserve the tooth’s structure and function. Pulp therapy is commonly performed on teeth with deep cavities, trauma, or severe decay, aiming to save the tooth rather than extracting it. Dr Savita and Dr Ashwini will take you through different clinical cases and treatment procedures applicable in such cases.
Course Features
- Lecture 1
- Quiz 1
- Duration 120 minutes
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 158
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes
- pediatric patients, adult pulp therapy, rct,
Target audiences
- all dental practitioners